by Andy | Aug 14, 2010 | Events, Owning the Atom |
I was introduced to the Braille Rallye by my friend and fellow Atom Owner, Dave. I am very grateful for this as it has become very important to me and I just love the Rallye. I was expecting the day to be hot in August, but was pleasantly surprised with it being...
by Andy | Apr 19, 2010 | Events, Track Days |
Well, what a week. I had my second track day at the Streets of Willow at Willow Springs on Thursday. Absolutely brilliant! I had been feeling “the night before the first day of school” butterflies about the day all week, which I found really strange as I...
by Andy | May 3, 2009 | Events, Owning the Atom |
I am definitely a child at heart. Since watching Concorde do her trial flights at age 3, I’ve been into aviation and cool planes. I now live very near the heart of the US military aviation industry – the Skunkworks. Skunkworks are responsible for some of...
by Andy | Jul 14, 2008 | Events |
Thanks to the splendid forum at the Ariel Atom Owners Club I found out through a fellow owner about the Braille Rallye. This is a brilliant idea and day out that apparently began in 1965. Youngsters at the school who have varying degrees of sight challenges, from...
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